The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154657   Message #3643018
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
17-Jul-14 - 10:32 PM
Thread Name: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
Subject: RE: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
I have been in Ontario again - Monday after bf until arriving back about 1:30 pm today. Visited with friends, made a couple wonderful new ones, arranged to take pottery to the Maynooth Farmers Market on 2 Aug, etc. I have determined that I will spend at least one week/month there. I can have "a life" - volunteer at the art gallery and elsewhere, visit friends, breathe the air. Realized this morning that my cough has diminished greatly! Almost to nothing. I feel SO much better. Slept like a log on friends' very comfortable sofa, in the total silence of the woods.

I started to eat a piece of cheese this morning and stopped, wondering if no cheese for several days could have contributed to improved well being. Under consideration.

Robin and I are going up together in 2 weeks and we will get the spare bedroom! (The kittens have just moved out!) Nothing like great conversation with like-minded, enquiring, people to soothe the spirit. I feel it was a place of healing, even though I was away visiting in the community most of each day. I was so excited that I left early this morning rather than do more visiting - so I could finish the pots here and be rested for going to the country tomorrow to make more pots. 4 good events coming the end of August and beg September and I want to fit in another trip to Ontario in August. Need to make lots of pots.

In a sense this could be viewed as cluttering my life further but it is feeling so right. It is "home". I went to a realtor I have know long time, firstly to inform her that my good friend, who had been looking and looking for a place in the area, had died (12 years ago!). Her first question after greeting me - after my 15 year absence! - was "what happened to..." She did sell my home for me when I left 15 years ago. Maybe she can find me a quiet piece of woodland where I can have a small trailer or.... I will go to the credit union and see if I can get a a pre-approved mortgage for ????   

R is stuck in Quebec and really does not have a great deal of choice. I am sick of Quebec and want to be somewhere comfortable. He can choose to spend time in Ontario--- or not. It is an amazing and joyful thing to feel welcomed back into a community after so many years and feel as though I can just fit right back in.

I did not eat as much. I was too busy visiting. A lesson there. Tonight, after supper and still feeling hungry, I reminded myself that I did not eat after 7 pm any other evening this week... No cookies. No choc. no ice cream. I may not have lost an ounce but it shows me what I CAN do.

R just phoned. A building was broken into for the second time in 2 weeks. So he and bro are there with several police cars, many police, waiting for the dogs as the police think there may be someone still in the building.... Welcome home, he says! .........