The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155041   Message #3643175
Posted By: Stu
18-Jul-14 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Pathetic goading
Subject: RE: BS: Pathetic goading
"So please explain the "550 metric tonnes of Yellow Cake Uranium" that were airlifted out of Iraq in July of 2008 on orders from George W. Bush so that his successor "would not have to deal with the problem"."

Where to start . . . Firstly, Yellow Cake is not a WMD, nor is it direct evidence for any WMD. Saddam had no means we know of to use Yellow Cake (a common low-grade ore that's basically been mined and milled) as a basis for making weapons-grade nuclear material. That it was part of a nuclear programme at some point is of no doubt, but Saddam did try to build a reactor there as the Israelis bombed it in the 1980s. It would't even make a very good dirty bomb as it emits too little radiation.

That said, 550 tonnes of the stuff lying about isn't good and all credit to Dubya for removing it for the good of the Iraqi people. Er, except he didn't: the Americans were contractors shifting the stuff on behalf of a Canadian corporation, who had purchased the lot off the Iraqi government with the aim of processing it and selling the resulting fuel on across the globe. As it happens, the UN already knew about this uranium prior to Bush's 2003 invasion as inspectors had visited the site after the first gulf war (when it was bombed). After Saddam was deposed UN and Iraqi troops guarded the site to prevent anyone from nicking the Yelllow Cake, and any other bits of equipment and stuff that might have been lying about.

Of course, it was Bush who went to war using the falsified information regarding Saddam trying to purchase Yellow Cake from Niger; a lie even the CIA wanted no part of for obvious reasons; they were under suspicion for cooking up the whole scam. Those pesky Italians rumbled Bush and Blair and although no-one has been held to account, those lovely, caring people at the CIA deflected attention and outed one of their own as a scapegoat - a betrayal of the most profound and unpleasant nature that shows there's no honour amongst thieves. The right-wing started all sorts of conspiracy theory crap to shore up their case and lack of moral integrity; too late, they pissed that away a long time ago and their case, which is groundless has been subject to numerous take-downs that are easy to find on Google.

The US and UK come out of this sordid little fiasco as they did out of the war: stinking of shit, and showing the depths of their contempt for their own people, who they have lied to constantly.

There were no WMDs.