The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #6291   Message #36437
Posted By:
30-Aug-98 - 06:58 AM
Thread Name: Parody : Good or bad?
Subject: Parody : Good or bad?
Strong opinion time. I am usually positive and generous to all types of music and musical expression and there is not much that I don't get some enjoyment from, the only exception is parodies, especially of great folk songs. You could argue that it is a back-handed compliment to the statue of the song, I would argue that to sing the song, in the many versions and styles that exist, is the best compliment you can make. I freely accept that there are some wonderful lyrics and ideas expressed in some of the best parody but why not just write an original song and tune? An example I would give is the great Cyril Tawney song, The Grey Funnel Line, about the Royal Navy being reduced to the Grey Flannel Line, about washing your clothes. It's has the same effect that using well known pieces of mainly classical music in advertising has, it may further the interests of the product by associating it with wonderful music but does nothing for the music, if it's asscociated with indigestion tablets. Boring copywright question coming up, does the original writer have any say if they do not like the way the song is changed, in this way or does it become a new song? I hope there is someone out there who disagrees with me, or someone who agrees. To sum up: If you create a new song you add to richness and variety that is the strength of this music, if you parody an existing song you ruin it, to replace it with nothing. 'By Jove I needed that'.