The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154657   Message #3643924
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
21-Jul-14 - 02:16 PM
Thread Name: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
Subject: RE: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
rumncoke! What an amazing and enheartening project! I particularly like the reward of mint choc chip ice cream!

Yesterday's Farmer's Market - in St. Anicet by lake St. Francis - was quite a day. On a lawn about 100 feet from the water, I set up and got potting by 10, using a couple fabric placemats and straight pins to devise a hat. It was a beautiful HOT day. As I conjured up a pot, activity around me was happening. I was informed by one of the vendors, "We are putting a tent over you!" And, in spite of my expressed fears re the wind (was none) and my pots getting broken again, a tent they did erect. I told her later she may have saved my life. I was so focused on making pots, and talking to people - at least the ones who spoke English - that I might have just kept going in spite of the heat. I sold only 4, but one teapot and she wants a matching garlic pot.

When I finally got packed and back to the mill (3:30), I collapsed with lots of green tea and not much else. About 5:30, I had enough energy to take the shelves off the roof and head for Montreal. Had a salad, phoned R, took a hot bath and managed to stay awake, on the computer, until almost 11, when I gave up on him coming home "in an hour" and went to bed.

Pierogies, yogurt and raspberries for bf but not again. Too heavy. R went off to a meeting with the Ministry of Transport re a replacement for the building they expropriated. It sounds hopeful. (This has been going on for over 5 years.) If the M has its way, they are giving him a building close by and bigger to which he can move machinery from all the other buildings and "in about a year, I can have a big auction, scrap what is left and be out of the machinery business"!!!! We might have a life by the time I am 80!

We had a salad lunch while he reported and he went off again to do a temp fix on the roof on VSP. Quotes for a new roof are in the offing.

Back on track re no cookies, choc... I also had a reward of choc mint ice cream yesterday - in a cup not a bowl - while recovering. I think the scale was a titch below 160 yesterday; that is an incentive.

Spoke with CU this morning re finding a way to sell shares so I can have a down payment for a piece of woods in Ontario. She will get back to me. Cell phone quit again on Saturday but I simply do not feel like the trek to Koodoo AGAIN! Tomorrow.

Now to find the energy to bring in the portable wheel, carry it upstairs and make pots. It cannot be any hotter up there than at the lake!