The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154657   Message #3644543
Posted By: Bat Goddess
23-Jul-14 - 09:36 AM
Thread Name: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
Subject: RE: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
Almost finished with "Sisters", a biography of the Mitford sisters. Less than 50 pages to go, but I have things to do.

Dennis is here with two lally columns to shore up the stressed joists in the cellar (and eventually close the crack in the wall above). I don't know if he's going to do the wall shelving today (when the house was tightened up a few years ago and the cellar insulated, the workers removed all of the shelves -- but some of them they cut out, so those have to be replaced completely, not just set back in) but when he does, I can start storing things properly in the cellar. I can also more easily sort the stuff (tools, table saw, grinder, etc.) that I want to sell.

It's hideously hot and humid again and would be a good day to work in the cellar, but I don't want to get in Dennis's way. So...I just made a new bankers box and I'm pulling out files from the file cabinet relating to Tom's medical bills, insurance, social security, Medicare, etc. to make room for mine. And get the papers off the table!

Got the kitchen mostly cleaned up, dishes out of the dishwasher and put away, even swept part of the floor. (In this house, I have to sweep before I vacuum out of respect for my vacuum cleaner.) I'm wandering between two fans and getting some non-aerobic work done in several places. Also need to go through some more books to take them to Portsmouth to sell on Monday.

Think I'll get the rest of Tom's CDs ("A Bottle Full for the Shantyman") into jewel cases with the inserts. I can do that while listening to NHPR and sitting in front of the fan.

This afternoon I'll go to Wentworth Greenhouses and use the $$$ coupons that can only be used in July. Then on to a friend for a light supper (considering the weather, probably a salad) out someplace moderately priced and then to see "Monuments Men" at the S. Berwick library.

I hate it when, well before 8 a.m., I'm sweating so much my eyebrows fail to keep the perspiration out of my eyes -- and all I was doing was zesting some limes that I'd used yesterday to make limeade!

