The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154894   Message #3647322
Posted By: Jim Carroll
01-Aug-14 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Caliphate
Subject: RE: BS: Caliphate
"No, Jim. But name any of the others in which it is, NOW"
At the present time Islam is in the ascendancy and the fanatics are able to do anything they wish.
Christianity, when it was a power to be reckoned with, did as they wished.
When the Americans were in Iraq they were part of the looting and destruction of religious artifacts that took place in places such as Baghdad museum and art gallery.
On numerous occasions American troops deliberately set out to offend Muslims by destroying their holy books
They destroyed shrine and temple in Cambodia when they were there.
Buddhists have recently destroyed holy places in South East Asia.
Religions attempt to wipe out other religions   
Singling out one religion and ignoring the record of our native religions seems to be what you do.
Personally, they are all one to me - I have no religion and I can't think of a church, as a body, I would give my vote to - but I detest the idea that any religion should be used to sow dissension among people - they all do it or allow it to happen- one is no better than the other.
JIm Carroll