The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154657   Message #3648893
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
06-Aug-14 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
Subject: RE: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
Darn! All I want to do is finish this book, White Fire by Preston/Childs. Such a page turner. I managed to make a nice bf, delete today's emails, check FB and write a message to our friends re Dragonfly and next visit - in two weeks. Carried the portable wheel upstairs, threw some pots, went for a massage, did some groceries and had a nice salad for lunch ---THEN, "cannot" sit and read unless eating so I ate cookies, felt queasy, stopped eating cookies, continued reading. Now, back to deleting emails, going to check FB for messages, read until 5, watch the news, make a stir fry for supper and, HOPE I can go back upstairs and throw more pots!

Went to country yesterday, glazed pots, loaded kiln and turned it on - almost all pots are "sponge ware", in prep for Antique Association show. Still more to glaze and fire on Fri... Last night's writers' group meeting was interesting. Perhaps a move forward for us. I am feeling a desire to write ---something about "Going home" & something for the local newspaper for which I was the main reporter for 6 years in the 90's. Thoughts need to coalesce. Also need to put down thoughts on Dragonfly to organize brain.

Beautiful cool breezy day. Still waiting for rain. Doors open and the breeze blowing through, up- and down-stairs!

My eyes did not bother me while I was away. very little time on computer? or reading? or cookies? Very little coughing also.

SRS: I have stopped even considering properties in Quebec. I just want to go back to Ontario, to Ontario where my friends of 30 years are. All I want is a piece of woods and a shack. But we are interested in this "land co-op" as a possibility if the folks can get the problems sorted. We think we might be able to help. The "interesting property" is an adjacent: 200 A, off the grid, with two ponds and a house of sorts - surrounded on 3 sides by Crown (owned by govt) land. A totally insane thing to consider at my age so, of course, I am. IF we can form a community of good folks.