The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154657   Message #3649149
Posted By: Bat Goddess
07-Aug-14 - 01:57 PM
Thread Name: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
Subject: RE: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
No, none of the plumbing that shows was replaced. Just the really important stuff like changing the pipe in the cellar (and to the kitchen faucet and laundry room) from getting more fragile every year PVC to PEX and upgrading all the shutoffs. The kitchen faucet is a fairly recent gooseneck fixture and we replaced the shower/bathtub fixtures last fall and the sink not that many years ago. Now I'm feeling a heck of a lot more secure and less likely to have any critical problems in the future.

Almost none of the work I've been having done is cosmetic (if that's what you'd call fixing the bookcase and the screen door so I can use them) -- it's all infrastructure repairs and upgrades -- joist repair, plumbing, electrical, fixing the leak around the chimney. After the chimney work is done, the house will be in better shape than it has been since the house was built in '77. Actually a bit better than it was then.

The t-shirt squares have to be stabilized by ironing on Pellon or other interfacing. And then re-squared up. There's still give to them which makes the project tricky.

Last week at Facebook someone posted a photo of a much simpler to make T-shirt quilt that involved sewing the squares together directly and leaving the seam material on the front so it "ruffled". This isn't it, but here's a photo from Pinterest -- Ruffled T-Shirt Quilt -- so there's a few more photos out there and a lot of different ways to make the quilt. I've also seen them done, sans ruffles, just sewing the squares to each other without strips in between.

Gotta go work on the PMFF schedule...


Not to my taste, but a lot less complicated to make.