The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154657   Message #3649399
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
08-Aug-14 - 11:19 AM
Thread Name: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
Subject: RE: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
Restarting the alternate day fasting today. I may not do it all week, but at least on my three days off I can manage the fasting and getting more exercise to see results again.

This morning I started a general housekeeping push by clearing non-essentials from my dressing room and ironing the things hanging on the door and sitting waiting for attention. It'll be a day for a Sudafed booster to my regular antihistamine because there is plenty of dust. This is the kind of job that is best done by washing small throw rugs, curtains, etc. It's good to do it now because so much of this stuff can dry on the line then be fluffed on air in the dryer.

Between rooms I'll work on a little eBay this morning (two items) so they end next week on this day. It's easier to mail them right away if the end on my day off.

I can see a big difference from when I started all of this and now. Much of what we discuss on these threads is day-to-day stuff that we need to keep on top of, punctuated by occasional large moves (such as getting shelves put up and the plumbing job done, or finishing a remodel and being able to put everything back where it goes, minus stuff given away). I don't foresee any big moves in the near future, but if I can keep up a steady trickle of unneeded items out the door (and cash into my bank account) then it works. Those three-day wonders on various declutter television programs are accomplished at great cost, I think - they are effective because decisions deferred (piles of stuff) are dealt with, but I am always sorry to see the homeowners put in the "child" role by the television personalities working on the job. Our way is slower, but for autonomous adults, it gets the job done with all of the consideration that some of these decisions require.