The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154657   Message #3649526
Posted By: wysiwyg
08-Aug-14 - 10:07 PM
Thread Name: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
Subject: RE: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
The July 28, 2014 Ohio trip has been focused on unloading kitchen gear from the camper. A superb byproduct has been that this freed up numerous closet-storage drawers we had used IN the camper that are now improving numerous storage areas of the house. 

Since I liked how these so easily and cheaply multiplied my cabinet storage space, and since I know a challenge going from a 3-fam house to a 1000 sq ft bungalow will be maximizing every inch of closet space, I started filling the partially-empty closets with more of these bins so that as I move more stuff, there will be places all organized to PUT THEM AWAY.

Nothing comes thru the door unless I know exactly where it will go and how it will fit. ... as for subsequent trailer-loads, the garage is now clear enuf for an unloading zone to empty the trailer, sort and clean each item, and THEN bring in only as much as I can put away at a time. Sometimes that will mean bidding goodbye to loved items that are no longer serviceable: that's what cameras are for!