The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154657   Message #3649949
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
10-Aug-14 - 05:39 PM
Thread Name: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
Subject: RE: Summer 2014 Exercise the right to declutter!
A batch of yogurt is setting up on the kitchen table and two pot roasts have been cut into 1-pound pieces and saved via seal-a-meal for the freezer. One large chicken cut in half and also frozen in the seal-a-meal bags. A batch of guacamole is in ice cube trays in the freezer, is a batch of chicken stock, and a baking sheet of sliced jalapeno peppers is in the freezer. Another sheet of basil is out drying. Human laundry is almost finished and a load of dog beds goes in next (except we're beginning to see thunderstorms pop up in the area - if I hang out laundry, will that assure me some rain?)

I have a second shirt to list on eBay, the first one sold overnight. They are from a gay bar in Greenwich Village, and I need to suggest to the friend who made them to sell in the bar that he should sell a few on eBay on the side.

The heat index is way up there today so the dogs are in for the afternoon. As soon as I let them in they flopped down on the cool tile floor. We all took a companionable nap in the living room, me on the recliner and everyone else on the floor. Now I'm in my office working and they're all in here on the floor. :)