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Thread #153638   Message #3650209
Posted By: Steve Shaw
11-Aug-14 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
Subject: RE: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
Hows this for non-antipathy? "...AIPAC, just about the most undemocratic setup it's possible to conceive of?" Or this, "AIPAC has Congress by the short and curlies. If a member of Congress briefs against Israel, AIPAC diverts lots of funding to their political enemies (and, if the miscreant was getting funding themselves, it's bye-bye to all that)." Or this, "...AIPAC will turn him [Pres. Obama] into toast." I would hate to read anything you wrote about AIPAC if you REALLY disliked it based on the slew of pejorative's you've used to describe that lobby. How self-delusional can you be?

Every statement I made about AIPAC, everything you're getting all animated about, is a statement of fact. Actually, you don't appear to deny any of it. Good for you. But...

I repeat, AIPAC does nothing different from any other lobbying group.

Ah, the innocence of the naive! AIPAC is actually in control of Congress apropos of policy regarding Israel. I love lobby groups. We need them. But AIPAC makes sure that no politician in your Land Of The Free can ever raise a finger against Israel. Yes that is not illegal, but yes that is a damn sight more than is entailed by healthy and robust lobbying. AIPAC has crossed the line from healthy lobbying to sinister and undemocratic control by the wealthy and influential unelected. Of course, John, you can't see this, because you're a big supporter (member?) of AIPAC and a big supporter of Israel, and you don't get the full story from your benighted media. You are AIPAC's fodder. Good luck to you and AIPAC! :-)