The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153638   Message #3650650
Posted By: MGM·Lion
13-Aug-14 - 08:36 AM
Thread Name: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
Subject: RE: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
Have no extensive statistics to hand; but some will be found in following from Wikipedia, which I copy just as a kind of 'for example' of the sorts of things I am on about. I have hilighted a couple of passages, inc those noting penalties for offences not even illegal in most places:


Corporal and capital punishment in Saudi Arabia
Judicial corporal punishment --- In Saudi Arabia this includes amputations of hands and feet for robbery, and flogging for lesser crimes such as "sexual deviance" and drunkenness. In the 2000s, it was reported that women were sentenced to lashes for adultery; the women were actually victims of rape, but because they could not prove who the perpetrators were, they were deemed guilty of committing adultery.[12] The number of lashes is not clearly prescribed by law and is varied according to the discretion of judges, and ranges from dozens of lashes to several hundreds, usually applied over a period of weeks or months. In 2004, the United Nations Committee Against Torture criticized Saudi Arabia over the amputations and floggings it carries out under Sharia. The Saudi delegation responded defending "legal traditions" held since the inception of Islam 1,400 years ago and rejected interference in its legal system.
Saudi Arabia also engages in capital punishment, including public executions by beheading.[13] The death penalty can be imposed for a wide range of offences[14] including murder, rape, armed robbery, repeated drug use, apostasy,[15] adultery,[16] witchcraft and sorcery[17] and can be carried out by beheading with a sword,[15] stoning or firing squad,[16] followed by crucifixion.[17] In 2005 there were 191 executions, in 2006 there were 38, in 2007 there were 153, and in 2008 there were 102.[18]


All most praiseworthy & hunky·dory to Steve & all our other Islamophiles, no doubt.
