The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153638   Message #3650685
Posted By: beardedbruce
13-Aug-14 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'
Subject: RE: BS: BDS of Israel 'Gathering Weight.'

"I suggest you back and read exactly what the ambassador said.
He points out that both the attack on civilians and homes are "crimes against humanity"
You can work out for yourself just which was the greater crime - the rockets have killed 18 in twelve years - how man was it who have been killed in the last three weeks in Gaza?
At not time does he mention the justification of either.
"Your description of what he said was not "candid" - it was a distortion"

If you cannot provide ANY indication of where you heard this, I will ( continue, as for all your post) to think you made it up. That has been your past history.

"The question of the "warnings" is a red-herring - officials at hospitals which were blitzed were given hardly any time to evacuate the buildings - an impossible task to carry out in the time.
".....when an Israeli military officer called the hospital late on Tuesday warning that it must be evacuated by 8am the following morning"
In early attacks, staff described having been given an hour's notice"

Perhaps HAMAS should NOT have been using those buildings as military storage and command sites, WHICH REMOVES THEIR PROTECTED STATUS according to the Geneva Conventions.

" like your statement that the Gazan lad who was beaten to death by extremist Israeli thugs when you stated that it was an "honour killing" - you are once again taking Israel's word for it (that turned out to be an attempt to smear the victim."

Since I have NEVER MADE SUCH A STATEMENT, this is another of your blatant lies.

"You are once again trying to smear the victims by making them terrorists -where is your proof for any of this."

I have been akin YOU that question about your blaming Israel for Hamas rockets killing Palestinian civilians, but you seem to be incapable of addressing any request for you to provide evidence for your lies.

I cannot call you a " sordid little man" as your MANhood is in doubt- a lying kid, perhaps.