The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3602 Message #3650731
Posted By: Jim Carroll
13-Aug-14 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Barring of the Door
Subject: RE: Origins: Barring of the Door
"What on earth is "The Insect that Stole the World," Jim?" Sorry - that should read, "Insect that Stole Butter" - never got the hang of multi-tasking. Wonderful and extremely un-putdownable dictionary of word origins. According to Chambers Scots Dictionary, a hissie is a needle-case - a case for needles and thread. It's also a housewife Goldstein gives sewing basket - the same thing. If anybody wants a half decent, highly readable non fiction accounts of Reiving, try George McDonald Frazer's (he of the 'Sharpe' series) 'The Steel Bonnets'. Jim Carroll