The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3602 Message #3651058
Posted By: GUEST
14-Aug-14 - 06:31 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Barring of the Door
Subject: RE: Origins: Barring of the Door
Tony Rose sang it as John Blunt:
There was an old couple lived under a hill, And Blunt it was their name o. And they had a good beer and ale for to sell And it bore a wonderful name o.
John Blunt and his wife drank free of this ale Till they could drink no more o; Then up to bed the old couple went But forgot to bar the door o.
So they a bargain, bargain made, They made it strong and sure o: That which of them should speak the first word Should go down and bar the door o.
And there came travellers, travellers three, Travelling through the night o. And no house, no home, no fire had they, Nor yet no candlelight o.
They came straightway to John Blunt's house And quickly opened the door o, And the devil of a word the old couple said For fear who should bar the door o.
They went to his cellar and drank up his drink Till they could drink no more o; And they went to his cupboard and ate up his meat Till they could eat no more o.
It's first they'd eaten the white puddings And then they'd eaten the black o. The old woman she listened and said to herself, "May the devil slip down with that o."
Then quickly they procured a light And quickly went upstairs o, And then they threw the old woman out of her bed And they laid her on the floor.
Up spoke John Blunt, "You've eaten my meat, And laid my wife on the floor o." "You spoke the first word John Blunt, she said, Go down and bar the door o."