The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154894   Message #3652482
Posted By: Jim Carroll
20-Aug-14 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Caliphate
Subject: RE: BS: Caliphate
"Come on Jim, you cannot blame the results of greed and avarice on "Christian faith""
I don't - I blame it on the Christian -and any other church.
The Empires were built on "civilising and Christianising" the world
"God" - whichever god, has been used as a conquering symbol down the ages.
The World War one bloodbath was fought for "God, King and Country" - i that order.
Wars are still fought "with God on our side" - didn't somebody write a song about it?
The written doctrines of Christianity are filled with stoning as a punishment for for sinful women - look up 'The Bad Bible' sometime.
Our moving away from the more primitive side of our religions has been a matter of the church having no choice.
When Belgium carried out its atrocities, it did so in the name of King Leopold (appointed by God" and with the full knowledge and blessing of the Church.
In the 1930s, Mussolini's bombers slaughtered the Abyssinian people with bombs blessed by the Pope.
Give us a break Ake - you claim to be a Marxist
Jim Carroll