The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155318   Message #3653271
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
23-Aug-14 - 11:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: at heart an american site?
Subject: RE: BS: at heart an american site?
The full quote from the other thread:

This kind of low-brow slug fest thread is an embarrassment to the mudcat community and is, I believe, a huge part of the reason why so many serious musicians have fled. If this is "culture" then I would suggest it is a mold or fungus, it isn't contributing to the music conversation of blues and folk. And this is, at heart, an American site.

I rest my case. There is a faction - a small percentage - of the UK crowd who fly off the handle at the drop of a hat. Some of them visited this spinoff thread to illustrate that skill set. Here in North America we have a collection of our own online sociopaths, but the most conspicuous set of junk yard dogs clearly comes from the UK. This kind of internecine combat has turned Mudcat into a laughing stock to those serious musicians who ever stray below the line. "BS" was intended for non-music topics, not for "take it out in the alley, mate."

Flypaper to catch buzzing and stinging insects. And stink bugs - lots of stink bugs.