The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154894   Message #3653447
Posted By: Musket
24-Aug-14 - 03:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Caliphate
Subject: RE: BS: Caliphate
We seem to have a new god botherer in our midst.

Welcome to the fray teddyboy, although this thread is about the dangers of taking superstition seriously, not advocating it.

Your comment about Christians not blah blah. The Christian terror cult in China that murdered a person in McDonalds for not converting there and then. Their trial is on the news should you wish to learn more. Also, the role of American Christian groups in funding persecution of gay people in Uganda is coming ever more to light.

It isn't Islam this, Old Testament that, Wicca the other. It's the unhelpful excuse that religion gives to bigotry, division and ultimately atrocity.

Christianity is just a different arm. The only thing that does seem to distinguish it is that many people calling themselves Christian are too sophisticated and educated to actually believe in the nonsense bit.

That's why they no longer burn me and other normal people at the stake for heresy. Christianity in The UK is more of a tradition. Although of course you get the odd gullible disturbed fool for whom membership has become less than helpful for their mental state.