The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154821   Message #3653697
Posted By: Bill D
24-Aug-14 - 08:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: How Should I Deal With Tailgating?
Subject: RE: BS: How Should I Deal With Tailgating?
Like Jeri, I have driven on the Wash.DC beltway (I-495) and experienced the merging issue. I tend to merge IF I see easy access, but in heavy traffic, getting someone to allow you in may be chancy. I then maintain the basic speed of the thru lane until there is an opening- or until I reach the final merge point, where someone will always allow you a turn.
Sounds fair & reasonable, hmmm? But all too often the cars behind me in the lane do not see it that way. They consider this the opportunity to pass 30-40 cars and bull their way in near the merge point. I have on two occasions been in a backup where there was no blockage in the main lanes, and only a breakdown lane to my right... and here came the daring ones,roaring up the illegal lane, and crowding in somewhere up ahead!
One day, I finally got tired of it and pulled my VW van into the breakdown lane just enough to keep them from passing. Oh my! Interfering with their God-given right to be greedy! Interestingly enough, the driver behind me in the legal lane approved, and left me space, so that when I saw flashing lights of emergency vehicles coming to deal with the accident up ahead (which is what that lane was supposed to be kept free for), I could merge left and let them pass.... of course, a few scofflaws also got by. Then I moved back to the right. When we came to an exit road, I moved back into my lane and watched *2* out of 20-30 cars actually exit. The rest did their zoom & crowd number and I just gave up for the next ten minutes or so till we passed the accident.
Yes, I know, I could have been bumped from the rear... and car # 17 'might' have had someone with a weak bladder & too much beer acting in desperation ... but it all worked out, thanks to the guy behind who cooperated with my efforts.