The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29051   Message #365409
Posted By: GUEST,Annraoi
29-Dec-00 - 09:29 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: gaelic songs
a Philippa
Fáilte romhat ar ais. Cúla cartúchán beag:
"tá 'n tsaol ina gcodladh ach mé" instead of "tá 'n tír 'na gcodladh ach mé".
Both these renditions are incorrect. They should read as follows:-
"tá 'n saol 'na chodladh ach mé."
"tá 'n tír 'na codladh ach mé."
As for the "translation" that MMario provided; It falls far short in so many respects that it is not worth considering other than as a non-metrical approximation of the original. The five accented syllables required by the original song are absent from most lines, thus rendering it unsingable. Even the English is somewhtat fractured, e.g.
"A malais in my craze, I failed to ignore,"