The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28981   Message #365490
Posted By: Little Hawk
30-Dec-00 - 12:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: CarolC's Decision:NewBoyfriend or Ferret
Subject: RE: BS: CarolC's Decision:NewBoyfriend or Ferret
flattop - As hesperis indicated, I don't raise the stupid seat in the first place. Why? Because there's no need to. If I'm in the forest I pee standing up, but when I'm in a comfortable bathroom then why not relax and sit down? It works fine, and you don't have to worry about aiming. It utterly baffles me why virtually all men feel that they must pee into a toilet standing up, but I suppose it's because that's the way they were first taught to do it, and nothing more than that. Doh!

Either that, or they're just too damn lazy to pull down their own pants.

Believe me, the women are way ahead on this one. Doesn't surprise me one bit, cos that's usually the case...

I am offended that you would term my compassion "cavalier". Yes, deeply offended. I demand satisfaction. Meet me in front of the Orillia Opera House at noon tomorrow, and we shall have it out. The first man to misquote a line from any Bob Dylan song has to strip off all his clothes and run naked down the main street of Orillia (that's Mississaga Street for all you people out there in La-la land), and then jump off the dock into Lake Couchiching. The jump will not, however, be required if the Lake is frozen over...

- LH