The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155422   Message #3655539
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
31-Aug-14 - 10:57 AM
Thread Name: Autumnal clearing out and fitness 2014
Subject: Autumnal clearing out & fitness 2014
These threads continue largely as an homage to Katlaughing who started them and in the end read along even when she wasn't able to participate, and partly because there are lurkers who occasionally report in that they have made progress on some small personal goal and want to share the news. The successful diet, the renovation of a room or a house, the setting of a personal goal and finishing the project (or being underway and needing motivation) - having a place to occasionally report back is helpful.

Susan has used these old threads to keep track of all sorts of her moving works in progress, Dorothy regularly reports in about the renovation of one house, one mill, and the search for the perfect piece of real estate with comfy digs. Linn has made headway on renovations needed in her kit home on a heavily-wooded hillside in New England. Michelle has hit a sweet spot with good health, a growing family, an active interest in quilting, and all sorts of cooking and canning that feed her family year round. Liz is clearing out estate items - something that when approached as a routine will eventually result in clearing out your storage areas and letting you see the surfaces of tables and counters again.

Others who garden, who are dieting, who are struggling with health issues and know that sticking with fitness programs and/or losing weight are needed can report in. Share tips. I sell lots of odds and ends on eBay, it's how I've cleared out the clutter of estate items that are too specialized to sell in a garage sale and are small enough to ship. I've talked several people through the early stages of learning about eBay. Not everyone can afford to bundle up extra stuff and donate to thrift shops, the extra income is a welcome windfall. To that end there are several of us involved with eBay and Craigslist and Freecycle (Susan seems to be the queen of freecycle swaps!) who can answer questions.

Here is the summer 2014 thread and anyone wanting to read backward will discover that most of these are linked to the previous thread.