The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155422   Message #3656217
Posted By: LilyFestre
02-Sep-14 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: Autumnal clearing out and fitness 2014
Subject: RE: Autumnal clearing out and fitness 2014
Fabulous day my hair cut, highlighted and some teal streaks added. The streaks were placed on the side behind my ear...doesn't show as much as I'd hoped so my stylist sent the teal coloring home with me so I'm going to have some fun time!!! *GRIN*   I'm off to get dishes caught up and anything else that requires much water as we are supposed to get a doozie of a thunderstorm shortly and I like to have all that washing done. Even if it doesn't storm and we don't lose power it will be nice to have it done! Tacos are on the menu for dinner... I have 2 bottles of Pete's favorite beer in the fridge, some of Jeremiah's favorite kid coolers (a treat around here) and some Beringer's is chilling for me....just enough for a nice glass later on. Yum.

The heat is oppressive today and I have the AC on in the kitchen and 6 other fans circulating the air around so at least there is some movement. Since my instant menopause status and the meds I take, I just don't tolerate the heat well....especially not hot, stagnant air. ICK.

I'm off to do the dishes and get my little man from school!

Later Gators!
