The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155384   Message #3656338
Posted By: GUEST,Shimrod
03-Sep-14 - 02:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion
Subject: RE: BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion
"perhaps you would like to give an example of evolutionary science that threatens the bible."

Oh, I don't know, evidence for deep time, dinosaurs etc., etc.,etc. For God's sake, pete, you know what the examples are - and if you don't, go and read Darwin and Dawkins (although you won't will you?). And then you'll re-gurgitate some 'facts', that you got off some redneck 'creationist' website, that claim to refute that evidence - and round and round we will go.

Leaving aside evolutionary science, here's an example of just plain common sense that threatens (a literal interpretation of)the Bible: You couldn't possibly get two of every living thing onto Noah's Ark - no matter how big it was. And if somehow you could get two of every living thing onto Noah's Ark, there would not be enough genetic variation in their populations to save them in the long run.