The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #154579   Message #3656428
Posted By: Musket
03-Sep-14 - 07:46 AM
Thread Name: BS: Whither now England?
Subject: RE: BS: Whither now England?
I don't know whether independence for Scotland would be good or bad. I'd have to look at the evidence and what would be in place post independence.

Snag is, nobody has supplied it. All the Scots have is promises from politicians who have no right to promise what they cannot deliver, either side of the argument. If the Scots have a mandate to negotiate currency union, the British will have cause for a referendum whether to share or not. I believe that is the position regarding currency sharing. It is the position of all parties re the Euro, and sterling union is no different.

There is a huge difference between being against it for nationalistic reasons and against it because the advantages are not known yet. I cannot believe a majority of people eligible to vote want to risk everything for pure anti Cameron reasons.

The fools on this thread who think that if a Tory Prime Minister wants something, oppose it anyway and give him a bloody nose, are the most reckless dangerous traitors to their country.

Not that I am biased you understand...