The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155422   Message #3656476
Posted By: wysiwyg
03-Sep-14 - 09:55 AM
Thread Name: Autumnal clearing out and fitness 2014
Subject: Decluttering
SRS (BTW), isn't this the first thread in the series that does not mention "declutter" in the title? I've always liked being able to filter-search up the list to review stuff-- any way to work it in?


Hardi has still not set a retirement date so it's still a few years off, but as we move some of the kids' stuff down to our retirement house in Ohio (vacay hse til then), their rooms are starting to empty out. I'm mindful of past landlord/tenant experiences... I always ran a "good stuff to know" list for the owner/next occupants, because there are many things about a house that you can't really understand until you've lived in it for awhile.

So I've asked the landlord's family (it's a fam-owned set of extensive farm holdings that happens to have as many houses as there are now adult sons) what the long-term strategy for this house is as I start that list-- and as we contemplate which appliances we might leave here... there is some duplication with Ohio-house appliances so I'll need to know ahead what to take, sell, or leave.

An example for the list-- after the 2000 fire the wiring in part of the upstairs was never replaced, so two rooms lack electricity. The rest of the upstairs outlets have wiring, but need the outlets themselves replaced. The landlord might remember that the two rooms "need wired," but might appreciate a heads-up on what won't be obvious till a new occupant tries to plug in their electric blanket.

My body must know things my mind doesn't know yet-- because my instinct is to start that list. It's like nesting before the baby arrives only in reverse-- I'm instinctively de-nesting.
