The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155381   Message #3656491
Posted By: GUEST,MD
03-Sep-14 - 10:28 AM
Thread Name: Fagersrtom Technopipe
Subject: RE: Fagersrtom Technopipe
I have not had that problem with my Fagerstrom. You can set the sensitivity but I have not had to change it. There are some reviews on Bon Dunsire's forum - one mentioned exactly that if I recall correctly; he had a problem with Deger but not Fagerstrom wrt sensitivity.

I have not found anything more portable than the Fagerstroms and the support is excellent. Sound is just like on the website samples - a bit electronic to be honest but only you can hear it and it does the job! There is a midi output and software at additional cost but I have not tried it.

Can you set Deger up for French (ie Swayne Border pipe) fingering? I have set my Fagerstrom up as a D set to see how that goes with some tunes - worth trying before I order another real set! I think it may help me avoid the upper octave in G at times - OK at home but not 100% reliable yet. And a D (real)set does sound nice!