The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155384   Message #3657368
Posted By: Bill D
05-Sep-14 - 11:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion
Subject: RE: BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion
Mercy! My reply to Pete got some replies, though not yet from Pete.

Joe said: ", but he states his position honestly and tenaciously."... and that is why I keep talking to him. It IS frustrating to me to have my detailed arguments & explanations denied in what I am quite aware are fallacious ways. For all I know, it may be frustrating to Pete that we smart-alec liberal "evolutionists" (I even dislike that word!) can't see the logic of HIS position.
Yes... I feel at times like I'm beating my head against a wall, but I'm learning a lot in the process about the structure and resilience of certain types of walls, and the exercise hones my wall-chipping methods. I don't necessarily expect to make holes in a strong wall with my poor, aching head....but I hear the echoes that show my banging is getting some attention....and... I always have the option of getting a ladder and bypassing the wall if it gets too wearying.
Enough silly metaphor? Okay.
I have debated Pete for several years... (how time flies when you're having fun)... and he IS honest as far as I can tell... and 2 people who know him personally have assured me that is the case. I look at it this way... there are people who hold Pete's basic position MUCH more strongly and with far less concern for even trying to construct a defense of it. Those are the ones who frighten me. Pete has, at least in here, made no attempt to convert anyone or insult anyone. He is locked into a position which requires certain re-doing of logic, definitions of proof & evidence, etc.. in order to proceed. That is why I keep banging my head on that block in the wall.

    I have said that I wish it were possible to meet Pete at the Seven Stars and spend some time going over things face-to-face... and replying with no hours or days long breaks. *shrug* It is not exactly crucial that I get Pete to see/admit my points, but it is important to ME to practice making them as carefully as possible.

(Hi, Pete... I've been talking about you. You are a tough nut to crack....)