The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #128011   Message #3657371
Posted By: KB in Iowa
05-Sep-14 - 11:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Onshore windfarms
Subject: RE: BS: Onshore windfarms
Very true KB but they should have been included as part of the the deficit side of the equation - True?

I am not sure exactly what you mean here.
I do not dispute your premise, wind turbines do have what could be considered hidden costs and those need to be considered when discussing whether or not they are a net plus.
I did not see a link to where you got the 26,000-41000 cost vs 6,000-8,000 benefit. I am wondering if these numbers treat the turbines like disposable razors, use it once then toss it and start the entire process again from the beginning.