The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155353   Message #3657587
Posted By: Betsy
05-Sep-14 - 07:47 PM
Thread Name: Whitby. Was it always in August?
Subject: RE: Whitby. Was it always in August?
Derek / Malcolm ,
The point of my message regarding Lea Nicholson (who I do not know personally) was not, where I can Google re:- personal information or his his C.D.'s. I hope you can understand that in addition to spelling his name correctly, I am perfectly au fait with search engines, and therefore Malcolm you ARE being derogatory and rude. The thrust of my enquiry was - did Lea Nicholson as a vituoso traditional concertina player, become personna non grata at Whitby Festival. He was seemingly never heard of again at Whitby but continued to be held in the highest regard by many top musicians.
My first post asks the question "Did he blot his copy book ?" - simple question - no need to go off on a tangent(s).