The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155459   Message #3658002
Posted By: GUEST,Allan Conn
07-Sep-14 - 02:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: scottish independence
Subject: RE: BS: scottish independence
Tattie Bogle I've got to completely disagree with you there re the campaign nastiness. On the whole the debate is remarkably civilised and completely peaceful. Yes the unionist media rants on about cyber-nats but really the eejits in the net are on both sides. Try going on to a Better Together FB page or the like and giving a different opinon!! The facts are that whatever the subject is people can be abusive on places like Youtube etc and this debate is no different. In the real world people on the whole are fine with opposing arguments and the thing about any nasty incidents is surely that they are so rare? The media went overboard over Jim Murphy having an egg thrown at him but that is hardly the end of civilisation as we know it. Incidents of violence have been very rare and largely ignored, or at least kept in the small print by the media because the most significant have been perpretated by the No side. A political speaker for the Britannica Party in Glasgow knocked a female heckler to the ground and kicked her with reports suggesting she was pregnant though that isn't clear whilst in Edinburgh Yes campaigners were attacked by a mob outside Tynecastle stadium. In truth both of these incidents can't even be laid at the door of the referendum. Violence can happen where there are right wing extremist groups campaigning and outside of football matches. So it'd be unfair to tar the No campaign with the blame - just as it is obviously unfair to blame Yes for one guy throwing an egg or eejits on Braveheart clips on Youtube.

The media has been a disgrace though. Had it been Cameron and Darling who'd received death threats rather than Salmond and Sturgeon then it'd have been all over the media. Likewise had police intervention been needed because a tailgater was shadowing Cameron's car rather than Salmond's then it'd be splashed over the front pages.

The worry I have is over the forthcoming massive Orange March which is to be held in Edinburgh in support of the union. If there is trouble at that then no doubt the UK media will lay the blame squarely at the door of the referendum debate - when we all know in Scotland that there is a long history of trouble at such events. I think we can on the whole be pretty proud of how the public have held themselves during this referendum. It's the unrelated simmering sectariansim that we still beed to be a bot ashamed about.