The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155422   Message #3658397
Posted By: Bat Goddess
08-Sep-14 - 09:04 AM
Thread Name: Autumnal clearing out and fitness 2014
Subject: RE: Autumnal clearing out and fitness 2014
I've only watched the first two seasons of "Big Bang Theory" but laughed my way through them and look forward to seeing the rest some time.

I haven't watched regular television since 1983 (when I couldn't schedule seeing one of the middle episodes of "Brideshead Revisited"), but my sister passes on full run of the show DVDs so I've learned the joys of binge watching. Loved "Boston Legal" and I'm currently through the first four seasons of "White Collar" which I've REALLY been enjoying.

Breakfast eaten, PMFF biz taken care of, I'll be off to my memoir writers group in about a half an hour.

Had what turned out to be a minor cat crisis this morning. Sabine has taken to sitting in the corner on the kitchen stove. I've been trying to persuade her that it's NOT a great idea, even if there are no burners on. This morning she was there (and in shadow so I didn't see her) when I took a pan off the front opposite burner to drain the pasta. Before I got the drained pasta back into the pan and onto the still hot but cooling electric burner, she started to walk across the stove and across that burner. She skidded slightly and, I think from the smell, singed some hair. I don't think she burned herself, but she DID realize that burners are sometimes hot. I sincerely hope this will dissuade her from perching in the corner!

She's been driving me crazy lately (and I shouldn't make it sound like an all day trip). She's 18, sleeps a lot, and no longer comes upstairs to snuggle with me on the bed. So when I come into the kitchen, she's very demanding and, understandably, wants to be petted, cossetted and cuddled. But she insists on being RIGHT THERE no matter what I'm preparing and fighting me for it. (Ever try to make a sandwich when the cat wants to sit on the plate, lick the mayo jar, lick the butter, stick her nose into whatever whatever you're cutting up to put in it, etcet etcet?) And then Rufus attacks my plate from whatever angle he can when I'm eating at the computer (as I'm really trying not to do, but it's not working). He doesn't even LIKE people food! And I realize exactly how close to the edge I've been since Tom died because it annoys me way out of proportion to what they're doing.

I hope I put both my patience and my vocabulary in a safe place and I can retrieve them both again some day...
