The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155297   Message #3658475
Posted By: MGM·Lion
08-Sep-14 - 12:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone defend US gun law?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone defend US gun law?
Well, "a good share" is hardly an overwhelming majority in any one's terms, is it, Ebbie? Do you really think it worth abolishing an ancient and revered institution, obliterating it from the face of the earth, because maybe 40% (quite a 'good share' I should say) of some sample of people might have vaguely said they don't like it much.

I haven't the least idea what you mean by citing your authority as "The UK. In Mudcat". I remember citing some survey-based statistics in one of the threads on the monarchy which appear to give an impression quite other than your none too specifically asserted "good share of HM's subjects" wishing her away. Were these, I wonder, included in your "survey" -- such as it may have been? They were on Mudcat.

I fear I think you are being uncharacteristically vague in the matter. And how you purport to observe any analogy to any anti-gun lobby as might exist in the US I cannot for the life of me see.

All v well sneering at my questions, Bill; but there is an awful sense of helplessness coming over from all these despairing posts about how the bloody guns are there and there is sod-all on earth that anybody in your Great Nation can do about it. Looks a bit dysfunctional & anarchic and unfit for purpose from where I am standing.
