The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3658657
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Sep-14 - 05:45 AM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
"As it happens I was at Bryan's club the other week"
Really not criticising Bryan's club - I've never been there to do so.
I'm asking what Bryan believes I should be allowed to expect from a club that calls itself 'folk' - if anything
"not notice the thousands of young people watching new fresh folk bands and singers,"
Thousands - where - who?
If you don't have a definition of folk and believe that anything you sing and choose to call folk is folk - you have a point
Silly me!
I've told you who I believe the folk are/were, and how much time I've actually spent recording and talking to some of them
Like I said to Al - don't attribute views to me I don't hold.
"But don't dismiss the fucking music"
You have already dismissed the music and shown your contempt for the "old codgers with their waistbands up to their armpits" who sing it.
Says all that needs to be said about you and your 'folk music', as far as I'm concerned - the least being your contemptible ageism   
Jim Carroll