The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155297   Message #3658772
Posted By: Bill D
09-Sep-14 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone defend US gun law?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone defend US gun law?
Just to clarify....

I did not claim, assert or believe that the UK is "governed by a monarchy" these days. Nor do any significant numbers of Americans believe "The idea that the monarch is the equivalent to your president ....
My point was simply that approval of continuation of the trappings of monarchy does not constitute approval of being governed by such a system.
The relevance of my attempt to draw parallels is that even in the US, disapproval of one or more aspects of OUR system does not and should not imply condemnation of the entire system as it seems to be in several posts by Brits.
We have one political group which is using the system in ways and to degrees seldom seen in our history. It IS possible for a situation to be exploited by lies, distortions and political maneuvers that were never imagined by the framers of the Constitution.
In a certain way, the process of the UK moving from a monarchy to a democracy allowed establishing specific safeguards against that older form of central power.
We began with one early attempt at a Democratic Republic that seemed at the time...(and for many years after)... a good way to provide fairness to all. This, of course, required several adjustments in the form of granting voting rights, abolishing slavery...etc. Now the very language that seemed so reasonable at the time is being twisted to the detriment of many.
Yet, I see post after post here that say: "Well, just go pass new laws & stop the stupidity!" and no explanations of the problems of that seem to get through.

I wonder if Scotland has any idea what THEY are in for?