The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29103   Message #365909
Posted By: GUEST,Audi
30-Dec-00 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: UnHooked Mudcatters, Post Here!
Subject: RE: BS: UnHooked Mudcatters, Post Here!
LOL!! Thank you, Matt! Here's a kiss of gratitude. Where would you like it?

OK, now I know Sorcha is unhooked (and female--but I had guessed that). Thank you Sorcha. You're a bra-zen female I can I identify with.

However, I still don't know if 'Amergin' is an 'Amergino' or an 'Amergina'? When I saw the same person called "Am Urgin" (or something close) I thought surely you were 'Amergina', but now I wonder if I haven't made a mistake about your 'O' part or the lack thereof? What about it Amergin? (And you still haven't answered my question about who you intended to slight in that other thread--I hope it wasn't moi?) ;)
