The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3659554
Posted By: MGM·Lion
12-Sep-14 - 03:08 AM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
No I don't really feel wound up. See your points, in the main. I think there's a lot of misremembering. I can recall few clubs even from my early scene days in the 50s which were all traditional -- indeed, as oldies among us will recall, Roy Harris et al in Nottingham had to advertise the fact that contemp wasn't welcome in the very name of their club, NTMC - the TM standing for Traditional Music. Likewise the early festivals -- I was at the first Cambridge, 1965, and reviewed many of the subsequent ones for Cambridge Evening News, The Guardian &c, from 70s on; very mixed content: especially from the later 80s onwards, where the traditional was performed, on suffrance as it felt, in a separate marginalised small tent called "The Traditional Stage" -- true, as I live & breathe! I ended my review of the last I went to "I shan't go again", and didn't.

In the mainly traditional Cambridge Crofters Club, otoh, despite Ian's suggestion above of unacceptability of any such a procedure, I once won gratifying applause some time in the 1970s for a 10-minute-+ version of Rosie Anderson; one of my happier memories of yore.
