The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155459   Message #3659721
Posted By: akenaton
12-Sep-14 - 02:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: scottish independence
Subject: RE: BS: scottish independence
Yes Gutcher...agree 100%.

This is turning in to a re-run of the last referendum in 1979, all the lies, misinformation and threats are coming out as polling nears.

Even the language is similar, and the false promises.....more powers my arse, the Westminster Parties are nowhere near agreement on which powers are to be falsely promised.

Make no mistake this is developing into a battle between the "have nots" and the "we're holding on to what we've got" factions

Right from the start, the NOs have had no vision for a better Scotland, just unremittingly.....more of the same
We simply must get our young people back into meaningful employment, even if jobs have to be created and subsidised by the bonus of oil revenues.....there are thousands of homes required, hundreds of projects which need to be started and the young folk, during this campaign have shown willingness to be politically involved...they have taken inspiration from the chance to renew their "ain country."
I was personally inspired years ago by Communist ideals.
I am humbled to see again a spirit I once thought dead.

A life on benefits will not do and our youth will, after the vote, never accept it.

The selfish well off will not triumph in the long term even if they steal another referendum, the project of building a new different kind of society could start right here.....Vote Aye! The way is clear.