The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155459   Message #3661218
Posted By: GUEST,Dazbo at Work
17-Sep-14 - 11:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: scottish independence
Subject: RE: BS: scottish independence
Wolfgang - I don't think he spoke tongue in cheek as that's the way many of us English feel. Being blamed for things that aren't our fault or within our control and then whinging about not being represented when they have more MPs per head of poputlation than anywhere else in the UK and a disproportionate presence in senior government and civil service posts. Not for nothing was the last labour government called a Jockocracy. Bear in mind that since devolution Scottish MPs in Westminster have voted on matters that affect England that English MPs can't vote on when it affects Scotland; even on occasion ensuring unpopular English legislation was passed only with the help of the votes from the Scottish labour MPs.

The Scots have come across for the last forty five years that I can remember as spoiled brats who blame all their ills on the English yet ignore all the privileges they have been granted and jobs preserved. Why, for example, are the major UK navy dockyards located in Scotland and the English ones all closed down or downsized?

Akenaton is whinging about the unemployed youths in Scotland. He doesn't mention that it costs a Scottish student a lot less to get a degree than an English Student (bear in mind also that a Student from an EU country also pays less in a Scottish university than an English student at the same Scottish university on the same degree course). England is the only country in the UK that has to pay prescription charges. etc etc etc.

Basically the Yesers want their cake and eat it and grab as much of the English cake they can get their hands on and still claim we are cheating them.