The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3662087
Posted By: Jim Carroll
20-Sep-14 - 04:31 AM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
17 Sep 14 - 10:50 AM
The posting you refer to is a mish-mash of distortion and misrepresentation of what I have said.
Regarding the particular point I am referring to - you deny it happens in clubs - this is what is being argued for here.
"Perhaps you could explain that to Phil"
If Phil wants clarification of anything, he is quite capable for asking for it himself - don't involve other contributions - make your own points - hit-and-run again
"Yes? And your point is?"
That Joe knew (and cared) what a folk song was - sadly missing in these clubs you claim don't exist.
"Yes he did."
No he didn't - Child took his ballads from manuscripts and published collections.
Steve can correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the nearest he ever got to hearing a ballad sung is when he heard a servant singing 'The Cruel Mother'
The "gullible" pioneer collectors did miss and ignore some material - people breaking new ground tend to miss bits.
But their efforts gave us a massive body of songs to sing, your contempt stands to lose that treasure trove and replace it with stuff that we can't hope to ever call ours - try telling Bob Geldof's lawyer 'I Don't Like Mondays' is a folk song in the public domain and wait to see which court he takes you to.
"I'd be interested to hear the evidence for that."
Me too - that really would open up a new field of study.
"I think some your problem with seeing like the rest of us "
Could do without the psychoanalysis Al, I'm well aware of the use some pop groups, like made of the blues, 'The Stones', made a particular point of it.
I'm also aware of the use composers like Vaughan Williams and Grainger made of folk song.
I'm also aware that none of the people who did so ever attempted to claim their own compositions as being 'folk'
If I wished to hear what they did with it, I'd go to a pop venue or an orchestral concert - not a folk club.
"no one has formalised all this stuff. "
The folk club scene did at one time - Bryan claims that they still do - go and tell him he's wrong.
Spent a great night last night realising why it was all worth it - will probably get a repeat performance tonight and tomorrow - might have to rest up on Monday and Tuesday, but back to the regular session on Wednesday night.
Jim Carroll