The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155297   Message #3662203
Posted By: GUEST,Rahere
20-Sep-14 - 02:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone defend US gun law?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone defend US gun law?
I answered that one earlier, Bill. Stop selling ammunition and the fixings to roll your own. No rounds, no bang: you can keep your psychosis on the risk of invasion, issuing ammunition from State arsenals if and when it ever becomes necessary, but until then, leave the ars'ole boys with what they have and once that's gone, no more.

Ammunition doesn't have an infinite shelf life, it's quite short (usually less than ten years), and if you don't use it in time it becomes more than somewhat problematic, sometimes not going off at all, sometimes becoming dangerous to handle. If you want, ban holdings as well, with a short amnesty to use it or hand it in.

Allow exemptions in particular areas where wildlife is a danger, but make the penalty for abuse in storage and use much tougher, and backed by police audit to double-check it. You had 20 rounds, you now have 10, where are the shell cases?