The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155297   Message #3662229
Posted By: Bill D
20-Sep-14 - 03:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone defend US gun law?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone defend US gun law?
Fine, Rahere.. I agree those are good ideas.

And you say" Stop selling ammunition and the fixings to roll your own." and " If you want, ban holdings as well,"

It's that "stop" and "if you want" that are the sticking points. I can assert that many Brits drink too much beer.. and you might even agree... but it is so embedded in the culture that just the idea of limiting it is laughable. Would YOU like to design a law seriously limiting ale, and the campaign to get it passed?

Banning ammunition requires... how shall I say it?... BANNING it. It means passing a law almost as complex as banning guns themselves. It would almost certainly be resisted on 2nd Amendment grounds..('the people's right to keep & bear arms' implicitly includes bullets they would say). And there we are again, back at a Constitutional amendment, and good luck getting that introduced, passed and ratified by enough states!

The damned argument is circular... it is a legal version of M.C. Escher! "For want of a horseshoe nail ...the country is lost".

I can design a revision of the entire educational system to include teaching logic and pragmatism from the beginning which, if implemented, would have most everyone agreeing to limit guns... in, oh... 2-3 generations. HA!