The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155297   Message #3662251
Posted By: MGM·Lion
20-Sep-14 - 04:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone defend US gun law?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone defend US gun law?
Facetious rather than constructive, Lighter. You ought to do better than that.

When war was declared in 1941, your great nation responded magnificently -- because you had got the nation onside. Men & women responded to the call-up; obeyed their orders; fought the foe; & won... At home, Rosie riveted... Irving Berlin wrote that great revue...

Declare War on the bloody gun culture. Get the nation on your side. Treat the NRA & the gun lobby as the enemy they are.


Lighter thinks you can't, becoz HE DOESN'T WANT TO. I BET HE LOVES HIS GUNS so he turns defensive-destructive. It's people like him who are part of the problem Maybe not the actual enemy, but their 'useful idiot' 5th Column. Ignore him.

But don't ignore Bill. He's on your side. CONVINCE HIM!