The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155459   Message #3662459
Posted By: akenaton
21-Sep-14 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: scottish independence
Subject: RE: BS: scottish independence
Cant agree with you there Achmelvich, to link between sectarianism and Unionism was always going to be an impediment to independence.
I've lived on the West coast all my life, and there are many of the older generation who were been brought up on sectarianism.
The UK parties used it shamelessly in local politics.
I have been talking to people who were in George Square and who were attacked by thousands of Unionist thugs, including a couple of hundred EDL supporters from England.
Compared to the optimism and positivity of the pro independence young folks, Unionism has a really nasty stink and the youth of Scotland didn't like it

Alex Salmond is right to protest the tactics of the NO campaign, making promises which they have no intention of fulfilling.

There was never any way that the other countries would countenance more powers for Scotland, so now Cameron is trying to link Powers for Scotland, to powers for the regions......lying arseholes.
I have no doubt the lies fooled many into voting NO.

Interesting talk in political circles of Scotland going for UDI if the UK leaves the EU.....or does not follow up on its promise of "Devo-max"