The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #29103   Message #366272
Posted By: Gervase
31-Dec-00 - 01:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: UnHooked Mudcatters, Post Here!
Subject: RE: BS: UnHooked Mudcatters, Post Here!
Unhinged? yes;
Unhooked? Unlikely, given the number of marriages/relationships and SOs crammed into a mere 41 years - resulting in a son and a daughter (both wonderful people, if taking a little too much after their father);
Into singing, beer, fowling, fishing and food;
Prey to one cat rescued from a icy London gutter a year ago this week;
Not remotely professional in most of my doings - and certainly not musically...
Inordinately fond of this place and its people - some of whom are just as deranged in the flesh!