The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155297   Message #3663078
Posted By: Bill D
23-Sep-14 - 02:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone defend US gun law?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone defend US gun law?
working backwards:

"Guess you haven't read or studied much U.S. history, then, Bill."
Oh, but I have... and still do... and I see as many interpretations of the nuances of history as there are interpretations of Genesis. Tell me, if you can, why yours is to be chiseled in stone?

"First they have to find a statesman."

I don't think that really deserves comment. It could be discussed only if you referred to individual cases. As is, it is merely sarcasm....

"..., the question is, what are you going to do about it? Spout platitudes to justify continued inaction? "

'Justify' is YOUR false take on my metaphorical description of a situation. Inaction is not the problem.... there are plenty of actions going on as we speak type. Some are kicking alligators in the snout; some are banding together to identify the weakest pile of alligators; some are yelling for the swamp to be refilled; some are running like hell; some are frozen in fear (is that an action?).... but the problem is still too many alligators, none of whom are inclined to lie there and allow 'solutions' that interfere with lunch.

"And it's irresponsibility from your entire political system, both sides, and the presumption you only need two political parties."

"Irresponsibility" happens in every system...even yours. You just don't care to even look for 'responsible' actions and individuals when you don't see your definition of progress & solutions! I could (given a few hours and better typing speed) show dozens of quite reasonable, sane and responsible examples of both.

As to political parties... we have many, but I DO agree that the system makes it difficult for a 3rd party to do much beyond splitting the vote and allowing insanity to prevail..(witness Ralph Nader in 2000 taking Florida away from Gore and giving us Bush).

We NEED to abolish the outmoded Electoral College and allow national majority vote, which would automatically help minor parties help each other rather than interfere with each other. Why don't we? You realize which current party the current system favors? You realize that they will truck in alligators from neighboring swamps if anyone tries to initiate the constitutional changes necessary? You have any idea who owns most of the trucks?... and do you see why I get livid at supercilious finger pointing when someone publishes data on alligator bites and says "you're just not trying!"?