The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155357   Message #3663432
Posted By: Jim Carroll
24-Sep-14 - 05:43 PM
Thread Name: What makes a new song a folk song?
Subject: RE: What makes a new song a folk song?
"Jim you'r at it again"
I am not "at" anything - I have responded to all your accusations as best I can
I do not put words in anybody's mouth - unlike those who persistently attribute views to me which |I do not hold.
On this occasion, I appear to have mistaken your reference to "friendly " clubs as a suggestion that my attitude is not welcoming - my apologies.
" made the suggestion you might not get the reaction you expected,your crystal ball obviously tells you otherwise."
No - my common sense tells me otherwise - as you rightfully pointed out - the people who turned up for the Clancys were not prepared to accept Joe Heaney - are you seriously suggesting that those weaned on Lady Gaga or Beyoncé would not react similarly - give us a break!
"You do keep complaining many folk clubs should not use the title as they offer little you recognise as folk. "
I do no such thing - I suggest that the constant misuse of the term 'folk' has all but driven out the music that put the club scene on the road in the first place has all but driven traditional music off the scene - too late to do anything about "stopping it" - stop putting words in my mouth.
"You said soon as they got TV"
I said the Travellers did
Television is accepted as adversely affecting our libraries and it has all but killed the cinema and many other activities we used to involve ourselves in.
"Can you blame them?"
For what - are you suggesting that the songs aren't worth singing?
"The old songs and tunes are of value because we are here to rediscover and cherish them."
Many of us actually enjoy them, as we do Shakespeare and Dickens and Homer and Zola
Some of us also recognise them as an unwritten part of our history - where we've been and what we've done.
Can anybody produce ay other musical form in which I would have to log on beforehand in order to check that I'm going to find what I have been promised before driving halfway across the county to take a chance?
Nice bit of self promotion Dick (I think!!) - not sure of your point, but at least no-one can accuse you of being backward about coming forward!
Jim Carroll