The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #155384   Message #3663587
Posted By: Donuel
25-Sep-14 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion
Subject: RE: BS: Special thread on Evolution & religion
FIRST OF ALL, there is no argument here. Yep. That's right, we are ALL really in agreement here. Even for Greg who says he can't understand why people have made such a fuss. Let me show you why, how, what and when.

( Yes I hear you think "why should I listen to this guy, what makes him uniquely qualified to solve or settle such a long lasting debate ?". Its because I am certifiably simple. My certified IQ is 42, the lowest measured IQ for a person who can seemingly write.
More accurately my IQ defies measurement due to what some might call dyslexia or willfully supplying answers outside the test's expectation or by not answering other questions at all, even at age 7.)

         Its really quite simple.

Evolution is change. Every thing there is changes. you've SEEN IT.
Everything evolves, for example take your average universe at the moment when its slightly wobbly nothingness starts to expand to balance out the energy of its somethingness and grows exponentially.

Figuratively speaking "at first" the all there is amorphous incredible ball of energy has not differentiated into atoms or elements or molecules. Hell it has not even made an electron yet.

Now look at it, here comes the leap for some of you...Your mind can see this universe by looking up at it or from another Point of view by looking down on it. Some of you will see a changing ball of energy become more and more a system of increasingly different pieces of energy taking form in an ever growing complexity while others will look up and see all there is and will ever be as a all radiant God.

Some will see entropy and others will see unity.

No matter where you look there is some of that initial nothingness among concentrations of somethingness just as there is somethingness in concentrations of nothingness.

The universe in its hottest furnace forges small bits of somthingness until bosons appear, 8 in all but are sure of 1 today, and mass and ergo for the first time, true time begins.

For some of you God is expressing itself in all "his glory" or for others the forging of elements in this new universe is about to begin leading to hydrogen and helium and the first stars that go on to make even more elements. WIth enough cooling and growth molecules are built amino acids fly and planets will soon be changed by life.

The evolution of life in my mind is a tiny side show compared to all the evolution that has already gone on.

How much you know or wish to know, feel or only wish to feel, do or only wish to do, is all up to you. It free for you to choose. In my opinion you should not force the expression of free will upon others, it is their own journey. If you build a beautiful park or orchard near their path they may decide to join you. But its up to them.

best regards, Donuel