The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #153161   Message #3663889
Posted By: Jim Carroll
26-Sep-14 - 11:45 AM
Thread Name: Is Mild still available in English Pubs?
Subject: RE: Is Mild still available in English Pubs?
Agang of us used to go camping in a place called Luddenden Foot, near to Midgely, in Yorkshire in the early 60s.
The local pub, The Nelson Head, served one of the finest pints of bitter imaginable - most of the crowd, who were to beer what wine buffs are to wine, all agreed - the finest bitter they'd ever tasted.
As we were packing up to go home on Sunday afternoon, the guvnor called a couple of us over and said, "I have a confession to make - we've been out of bitter all weekend so I've been serving you mild - hope you don't mind"
Jim Carroll